Monday, October 26, 2009

The Sickness

Ok dad I going to have to be in the hospital for probably at least 3 more days :( Blood sugar is still over 300 and kidneys are to acidic to bring sugar down any faster..

Closer to home, my female sugar glider "Squirrel," is really sick and Im afraid Im going to lose her tonight. She is very lethargic, and has been in the same spot since noon today. I finally got home from class shes still in the same spot. I have put a heating pad under the cage, and tried to hydrate her with a syrienge.... all I can do now is wait until morning and find a vet that can help my "exotic critter."

I hate waiting. I wish my good friend Amanda's hubby was familiar, but I guess the vet in Robinson doesn't usually look at these! lol


Sunday, October 25, 2009


Will, Tristan, and I got our pictures taken last Thursday! They turned out so great!! Check them out here!!


Bad News

Well Will took me out for supper last night in Terre Haute since he actually got a Saturday off! We came home, and I decided to shut my phone off (which I never do) and when I woke up this morning, and turned it on, the first thing that I saw was "your dad is in the hospital." I flipped!! My dad like I said before, is the Commander of a Drug/Vice unit, he has to deal with alot of shady people, who are strung out on drugs. My first thought was that he had been shot. Well, no shots, but he has an infection somewhere, and his kidneys are trying to fail him. Dad has diabetes, and has a hard time keeping his sugar under control.

I hate not being there for my dad. Doctors say that he will be there at least 3 days, I am assuming to wait for the cultures. He is on an insulin drip with glucose, two antibiotics, plus on some pain meds after they gave him the spinal.... poor dad!

His white blood count is like 2900 and hopefully the antibiotics start helping soon. My dad doesn't have a spleen so when he gets sick, HE'S SICK!

I guess if push comes to shove, I have a few days outta class next week, maybe I can just take off down there to see him.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

New Addition Coming Soon!

I am sooooo excited to announce that there will be a new person riding this coaster! Meet Kilo Tingley! Kilo is my dad's dog who I fell in love with about a year ago. I have seriously tried and tried to convince my father to let me take this dog home with me both times I visited in the last year. Finally he called me......... Kilo is going to come live with me!! Yay! They already have so many animals with so little time. Being a Commander of a Drug/Vice Unit doesn't leave much time for yourself let alone your animals. They have 2 chameleons, Kilo's Brother Chance, plus like 3 other dogs, and some cats. Note that they did have 2 sugar gliders until I brought them home with me during our July visit! :)

Kilo is a full blooded White German Shepherd. He is sooo well minded. He is a total gem. Will fell in love with him when we visited dad to, and no one could be happier about his addition!

My mother on the other hand, is not thrilled about this addition and says he has to have a muzzle on at all times, and refuses to visit... Im sorry mom, but you don't visit much anyways because I'm always at your house! I love you, but I am getting him!

By the way..... I am sporting that no makeup Florida Girl look and really pulling it off! I usually wouldn't go to the doctors office without makeup! :)


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Weird Weird Weird!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Big Fun in Little Places

I love how it doesn't take much to entertain my 2 (almost 3 year old) son! We had a box left from the parade a few weeks ago that held the helium tank we used for our balloons! This box had been pushed back, and was supposed to go in the trash immediately following the parade.

Oh well!

Tristan has been playing with it though. He was putting toys in it and having a blast. Then the other day, Bella (our kitty) jumped in it and Tristan thought that it was fun to shut her in there.

But to make things better, he thought that he should get in there and have me shut the lid, this is what we ended up with! So of course I documented it! :)


Thursday, October 15, 2009

And Again

Tonight is another late one. It is 12:44, and I am just getting ready to take a test. I thought it was going to be a good night for homework when the little man (who didn't have an accident all day until about 7:30 p.m.) was asleep at 8:00 p.m. but he woke up a little after 10:00 p.m. and for some reason won't go back to sleep and demands to watch tv or help me with my homework...... I chose tv. I just checked my grades, and I managed to get a 90% on my midterm paper for my Sociology Class, and I can deal with that!!!! Yippee!

Well one more test, then work at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. I would really advise staying away from Cellular One until at least 10:00 a.m tomorrow morning, because everyone knows how sweet I am in the mornings........ sorry world!

Another Late Night...... or should I say early?

It is 2:04 am...... yes, A.M. I just got done with my Sociology Midterm Paper after seriously about dying when my internet wouldn't work for me. This horrifying realization surely did not help my stomach that has been nauseated for the past 3 days now. A little bit of high blood pressure, a Dr. Pepper (normally I am a Pepsi addict.... I have no idea what prompted me to buy a Dr. Pepper today) and an episode of the New Season of Nip/Tuck later my internet suddenly decided to work again.

Hopefully now that I made it through Midterms my nausea will decide to go away since I don't have anything more to stress about.

I have a class tomorrow from 4-9 and I don't know if I am going to have everything completed after tonights experience was a little drawn out. Oh well! I will take a lower participation grade for homework not being done than a low midterm grade anyday!

Will just pulled in at home from work, I hear him........ got to go love on that man!!! :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

100th Post!!!

How appropriate that I post my 100th post via my brand new computer!! Yay!

Today Tristan, Will and I finally picked out and purchased my well needed computer! I am taking an online class and after having computer problems, it has been a struggle to keep that A average up in Sociology!!

I got everything that I wanted and a little more in my Dell Studio!! I won't be limited to mobile posts anymore!! whoop whoop!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My World

School is going great! Things are still crazy busy here in my world. I am still sick, and had the pleasure of a ER trip Tuesday! Thanks Christina for taking me!

My beautiful mother was in the newspaper the other day promoting drug awareness, what an amazing person she is proving to be! She is doing amazing in her classes as well.

My cousin Danielle had a baby! Such a cutie!

Tristan is doing awesome with his toilet training! He also had an out of nowhere growth spurt that prompted an unplanned shopping trip! How is my baby who turns 3 in december wear 4T pants? Awwwww.... it just scares the holy crap out of me to see how big he is getting. And handsome too :)

Will is spectacular as always, working crazy long hours and loving ever minute of the work! He's so happy welding, it just makes me chuckle.

My ex-husband said he's having surgery tomorrow. My only thoughts on that is that they need to administer a pre-operative enema on him :)

I am very sad right now to after finding things didn't go well in Tricia's (dads wife) pregnancy took a turn for the worse, and has lost her little angel. I haven't heard many details yet, and am giving them the time they ever so need before they have to speak about this heartwrenching loss. My heart goes out to her, and my Dad!


Thursday, October 1, 2009

still here

We are still alive barely.....

We have all been sick, still are, still fighting.

Will and I have both had extensive dentist appointments in the last week.

Bella even got an infection from her spay/declaw. I know it wasn't the environment of surgery since I witnesed it. She had the best Vet possible!

Inventory at Cell One was last night, it went smooth.

I had my first clinicals last Saturday and was loving it until the power went out when I was trying to get someone showered.

Laundry never ends especially when mom is sick.

I need to be studying, but Tristan refuses to remove himself from my lap...

Summer is gone and I want it back.
