Monday, August 24, 2009

Life is a breeze? HAHA! MORE LIKE A HURRICANE!!!

Well anyone who REALLY knows me knows that this is me in the morning! (Oh, and thanks Mom for this picture that you forwarded me... quite appropriate)

I hate mornings, more than ever! I am crabby, I don't want to talk to you... I might say mean things to you.... and it sucks! Im sorry world! :)

This morning I woke up, gathered my things tried to do something acceptable with my hair, threw on some make-up, dressed my son while he was still asleep! I got Tristan's cup (a must have for his morning ritual)grabbed Tristans breakfast and we headed out!

With Tristan to daycare, I saw the flag and I was off. My mustang flew like it was in the Daytona 500 the 5 blocks to work, and I flipped the sign just in time!

I was working diligently when Kathy got to work and decided I would go get a soda (Im an admitted Pepsi-addict) but before I got to the station I realized I was 30 minutes late to my appointment at the Health department for my 2-part TB test for school!

CRAP (*some words are changed to potect the author*)

I speed dial a number not even listed in my phonebook, and apologize and assure the receptionist that I am on my way. I was off again!! With few vulgar remarks I raced across town! Im pretty sure I was pulling in as said receptionist hung up the phone. Got stuck! wooo(it was painless!)

I had text Kathy in the race across town, to let her know that my soda trip would be postponed somehow... hmm I'm quite certain I text her while apologizing to the receptionist on the phone for my tardiness.

Note to self... turn off phone while driving hilbilly Nascar...

I made it back to the office before Kathy had the chance to read my text... at least my I was quick :)

I had to leave work at 3:00 to get Tristan delivered to his father, and headed to Robinson. I had 30 minutes to get from Willow Hill to Robinson.... cake huh... NOT TODAY.... THANK YOU ROAD CONSTRUCTION! (not)

I was 3 minutes late to class, walked in on everyone taking a test.... great! no time to study! I apologize for my tardiness to my instructor, and quietly take my seat with my test. 84% on test.. not one of my better ones. (tests so far this semester have been 100,96,96,100)

Oh well, I score break on Will's first break and get a few minutes of bliss!

We took some more tests (by the way.... if your instructor blatantly tells you cell phones are a NONO turn them off! I quietly walked over and intructed the woman where her power button was located..really?)

I got out a little early... It was Will's lunch. Picked up Tristan, came home read a few books to him, and tucked him in.

Im ready for a nap! Good Night!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Ok, so I thought that my mind was made up on my work situation, but now, my big boss Jason threw a wrench. He heard I was leaving, and was willing to go to bat for me to the CEO. He wants me to stay on at Cellular One part time and match my pay. Now im so confused. Is it ethical to accept a job then turn around and tell them I can't take it?? What do I do!?!?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Night of Class

Tonight was my first night of CNA class! I got a call aout a week ago telling me about how I needed to be ready for discussion on 3 chapters. My financial aid file wasn't completed until yesterday, so I got my books and stayed up late studying!!

Good thing I studied because we had a test on chapter 1 (I got a 100%) and a test on chapter 2 (I got a 96%)!

Im super excited about everything with the class! Im even excited about the ugly scrubs I bought today!

I started my online clas today too, Im taking Principles of Sociology!

Life is good!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Crazy Crazy!!

Ok, these last two days have really been an emotional roller coaster! Im very excited about Wills new job at Skyline... not so much his hours, but the pay is amazing! I know he's sad to leave Jay, but he's excited to weld again!

I officially submitted my resignation to Cell One today :( I have been in tears all day! I am sooo excited to accept the position as assistant to Attorney Nancy Dryden, but I will miss my best friend and co-worker Kathy Dodson! She has been my rock for a long time, and not seeing her daily is heartbreaking!

I also accepted the telemarketing position at Dryden-Kamis Insurance, and will work a few hours for them after I am off from the law office.

All in all, I am going to have a lot more quality time with my son every morning! I am only working part time for Ms. Dryden, and a few hours for Mr. John Dryden, so Ill have more time for studies too!

Our schedules are crazy right now, but we are doing what we have to in order to ensure our family financial stability tomorrow.

Im still a little emotional, but I won't have much time to think about it for a while.

CNA clas starts tomorrow!

Ready for supper,shower and bed! Its gonna be a late one tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Will got the job!!

Will is Skyline's newest employee!!

Good Luck Will!!

Today at 4:00 Will has an interview for a new job!!!
Please send all good thoughts our way!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

New Motor Project

I was sooooo excited to go out and get the 5.0 HO motor ready to pull this weekend!! We started around 12:00 pm on Sunday, and worked as late as we could. Since we aren't using the car, we just snipped all the useless wiring and hoses. Our intention is to carburate it and do away with the fuel injection!! I also tore down another 302 engine Saturday!
I am sunburt very badly, and soooo sore, but MAN was it worth it!!
I love working on cars with my honey! (Hes such a great teacher!)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Thank You Sarah Kinkade!

A big thanks to Sarah for helping me pick the best purse!! I love it, and Im glad you talked me out of the other one!!

Oh, Christina says hello, and she will stop by sometime soon!

Geesh School Already?

I thought that I had another two weeks until my class starts, but noooooo classes start Thurday the 20th, just a little over a week away.
I just got the news about class starting early. I am starting to sweat. I am pleased to find out that they did cut the class and hour each night, so that should help.
Also, clinicals will be done here in Newton..... which I really couldn't ask for anything closer!
I just have all the luck ya know!!

Phones Phones Phones

OKK! So coming to your from Cellular One of East Central Illinois we have a special going on now.... for a limited time.

Pay Forward Plan (4mb)
-unlimited voice
-unlimited sms/mms
-4mb data
-basic voicemail
-3-way calling
-call forwarding
-call waiting
ONLY $49.99
Pay Forward Unlimited Data Plan
-unlimited voice
-unlimited sms/mms
-unlimited data
-basic voicemail
-3-way calling
-call forwarding
-call waiting
ONLY 79.99
NO Deposit! NO Credit Check!! No Contract!!!
$30.00 activation fee waived through the end of August.
Includes a camera phone for only a penny!!
OH, and you get to deal with me here in Newton, that really should be on the flyer too! Stop in to ask about this plan for yourself or someone you know, and get a free Can Coozie!!

I sure do LOVE him!!

My mom joked when Will and I started seeing each other saying he was too nice, and too nice is bad sometimes.

Well maybe, but I don't think so!!

I'll let you in on a little bedroom conversation :) G rated I promise!!

Will: "I love you, Sweetie!"

Ash: "I love you too!"

Will: "You make a funny face in the morning when I try to give you kisses."

Ash: "I know, I just can't help it!!"

Will: "You usually smile after a few more kisses."

Ash: "hahahahahahahaha" (you haven't seen the face he speaks of)

Will: "And even if you don't smile, I know you want too!"

Ash: "aaaaaahahahahahhahahahaha, you know I'm gonna blog this right"

Will: "Yup"

I lost it... It was one of those moments, I really wished it wasn't 11:30 at night so that I could call my mom, and gush about my wonderful boyfriend!
No wonder we still haven't had a fight, argument or anything, how could you argue with that??

Monday, August 10, 2009

Just Hanging at the ZOO!!

Saturday morning early we took of to the ZOO!! We all had a blast! Tristan loves animals, and I felt like a good Mommy when he didn't miss any of the names!!
I love this picture, it will be better after its cropped! Will was soo funny getting up there with him!
Tristan really wanted to take some birds home!
How pretty this place was!
If you can't tell he LOVED this jaguar!!
We got the ever famous...... "OHHH hes sooooo cute for this monkey!"

Some nice woman had some graham crackers they brought from home, and offered them to Tristan, so he could feed the goats!! -*Kudos to nice people*-

The children's part of the zoo had a lot of fun enteractive stuff for the kids!

"Look Mommy, I'm a Spider!!!"

This was definately my favorite picture of the day!! Will is always soo good with Tristan, so it was no different today! Tristan was told that he had to be holding someone's hand, the whole time, and it was no big shock that he ended up with Will's hand all day!
I can't wait to go back, or go to a different zoo!!

Pie Update

Friday, I went to pick up the boys (Will's brother's Symon and Wyatt) from Grandma Myrt's, and they got to go with me to Kid's Kingdom to get Tristan!!

So they got to see the fun!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Venting for a minute

Life is still a little chaotic for me..... but its definately progress from where I was a year ago.
So with me being so excited over the Fun Week at Daycare for Tristan, I was excited to see my son get to pie someone ( his father-whom I nominated) and take pictures.
Well today, I find out that I don't get to be a part of this experience because my ex-husband is as selfish as they come. I get soooo frustrated with him....
So instead of being able to finish out this Fun Week with my son the way we had planned, we are improvising.
Improvisation...... I am gonna let Tristan pie his father, I won't be there. I will let him have his time with him (even though its not his time, and he would never share his time with me)! Then, I am gonna go ahead and let Tristan pie his mommy when I pick him up, so I can have pictures to share with the world.
The excuse I was given was that he didn't want to have to breathe the same air as me, or be in the same room as me (not that I particularly want to be in the same room with him either). Newsflash we all breathe the same air... and unless you plan on missing your sons future sports events, school programs, graduations, and such, you can get over it now!
Honestly just snap out of it!
Instead of bringing your son home, and making me walk out to the road to get him from the car, try pulling in the driveway, and maybe even coming to the door. I might even offer you a cold beverage. I just wish all the hostility would go away.
I am tired of being the bigger person, and I am tired of getting taken advantage of by inconsiderate people that only think of themselves, but always in the end Ashley gives in, you wanna know why........
Just like always, I just want everyone to be happy, even if that means me sacrificing mine.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fun Week at Kid's Kingdom!!

So Monday, was PJ day, and Tristan sported his Kung Fu Panda get-up.
Tuesday was mix/match day which was kinda comical because Travis had to pick Tristan up on Tuesday looking kinda orphan-ish! lol My child has the crazy hair this morning, which I thought went well with the horrid outfit! I always make a point to make Tristan style, so daycare really got a kick out of him!! (OH, and I don't think you can see in the pick, but hes wearing two different tennis shoes hehe!!)

Wednesday was some bring something to play with day..... Tristan was with his Dad on this day, so he didn't have the opportunity to participate.

Thursday..... Crazy hair day..... what can we do with crazy hair day, and polo shirts to still look cool??? Well let me show you!!

Tomorrow is dress like a time in your parent's life (80's, 90's) and I'm too young! I think that I let him wear the skinny jeans and some high tops and sport the 80's! Also tomorrow is the pie the parents thing..... did I mention that I did nominate Travis (Tristan's dad) to be pied... and he actually accepted. Haha! I sooo can't wait to get pictures of that! I hope that Tristan gets to pie his daddy, I really think he would eat that up!!

Now that this is all out of the way, I can get Tristan's hair cut tonight! ( I normally cut his hair but Sarah Dodson is home so I'll leave that to the pro!!)