Thursday, February 18, 2010

Such a BIG BOY!!!!

So finally Tristan had decided that he is a BIG BOY!! The past several several weeks Tristan has had no potty accidents (even overnight)!! He is doing soo well! Its amazing. We are also trying to break the habit of Tristan coming and getting in our bed every night. We had a talk about him being so big, and sleeping in his own bed!

Last night when Tristan came to get in our bed, I told him to go potty since he was up and he did! Then when he came back and crawled up in our bed, I said, "remember the talk we had about you sleeping in your own bed?" He told me he did, and then asked what the flashing light coming from the living room was. I told him that it was the TV that didn't get turned off, and that he could turn it off on his way to his bed if he wanted to. He agreed, didn't even argue, walked through the living room, turned off the TV, and went to his bed, and went right to sleep!

As he walked out of our room I turned to Will and told him, "Man, he really is getting BIG!!"

He didn't try to come back to our bed last night, and woke up dry this morning.... Wow!!