Monday, August 10, 2009

Just Hanging at the ZOO!!

Saturday morning early we took of to the ZOO!! We all had a blast! Tristan loves animals, and I felt like a good Mommy when he didn't miss any of the names!!
I love this picture, it will be better after its cropped! Will was soo funny getting up there with him!
Tristan really wanted to take some birds home!
How pretty this place was!
If you can't tell he LOVED this jaguar!!
We got the ever famous...... "OHHH hes sooooo cute for this monkey!"

Some nice woman had some graham crackers they brought from home, and offered them to Tristan, so he could feed the goats!! -*Kudos to nice people*-

The children's part of the zoo had a lot of fun enteractive stuff for the kids!

"Look Mommy, I'm a Spider!!!"

This was definately my favorite picture of the day!! Will is always soo good with Tristan, so it was no different today! Tristan was told that he had to be holding someone's hand, the whole time, and it was no big shock that he ended up with Will's hand all day!
I can't wait to go back, or go to a different zoo!!


Tammy said...

Oh Asley I am so happy he got to see the animals,he loves them so. You got some awesome pictures!!