Saturday, August 22, 2009


Ok, so I thought that my mind was made up on my work situation, but now, my big boss Jason threw a wrench. He heard I was leaving, and was willing to go to bat for me to the CEO. He wants me to stay on at Cellular One part time and match my pay. Now im so confused. Is it ethical to accept a job then turn around and tell them I can't take it?? What do I do!?!?


Browningblog said...

You've got to weigh the pros and cons of both situations and figure out what is best for you. If you decide to stay at Cellularone, explain to the new employer exactly what happen and how unexpected it was. If you like your job at Cellone and they are willing to work around school, is there really a good reason to leave? Is the other job in the nursing line? Will it open more doors down the road for you in that field?

Good luck with your decision, whatever you do be honest with all parties and it will be fine.