So Monday, was PJ day, and Tristan sported his Kung Fu Panda get-up.
Tuesday was mix/match day which was kinda comical because Travis had to pick Tristan up on Tuesday looking kinda orphan-ish! lol My child has the crazy hair this morning, which I thought went well with the horrid outfit! I always make a point to make Tristan style, so daycare really got a kick out of him!! (OH, and I don't think you can see in the pick, but hes wearing two different tennis shoes hehe!!)
Wednesday was some bring something to play with day..... Tristan was with his Dad on this day, so he didn't have the opportunity to participate.
Thursday..... Crazy hair day..... what can we do with crazy hair day, and polo shirts to still look cool??? Well let me show you!!
Tomorrow is dress like a time in your parent's life (80's, 90's) and I'm too young! I think that I let him wear the skinny jeans and some high tops and sport the 80's! Also tomorrow is the pie the parents thing..... did I mention that I did nominate Travis (Tristan's dad) to be pied... and he actually accepted. Haha! I sooo can't wait to get pictures of that! I hope that Tristan gets to pie his daddy, I really think he would eat that up!!
Now that this is all out of the way, I can get Tristan's hair cut tonight! ( I normally cut his hair but Sarah Dodson is home so I'll leave that to the pro!!)
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