Monday, July 27, 2009

Wild Life Outside City Limits

I was minding my own business driving down the road along with my usual crew (Tristan, Mom, and Hope) when I suddenly stopped. I put the car in reverse, then I really started getting some weird looks... I can't stand animals being hurt, so I stopped and picked up this little baby turtle that was in the middle of the road!!
I went ahead and let him ride with us to the house, because we could almost see it, and I figured the yard would be a nicer place to release this creature back into the wild, as opposed to the road, where I found him.
I love seeing Tristan get a kick out of things! He kept saying over and over "Awww Mommy, he's soooo cute!!"

After we talked about not keeping the turtle (thank goodness today wasn't a day he wanted to fight me, because who needs a cat, two sugar gliders, and a turtle? NOT ME!!) we let him go in the yard, by a mud puddle!

Ok, so this next one is a little weird, but it is animal jealousy surfacing right here at our home! Ever since I moved in with will, we have seen Cardinals everywhere, we joke that it is "our cardinal" (actually everyone we see is "our cardinal") so when another bird left us a feather by the doorbell, I think its time that we show the other birds in the neighborhood some love too. (Will be posting pictures of feeders soon!)

This is definitely one of my favorites. In our front yard, we have a nice sized apple tree! The deer go absolutely nuts over this apple tree!! We are constantly running out the door to grab something and seeing them there stealing what apples they can!

Will took this one with his cell phone, so its not really clear!! Hope we have apples left for pies!

Will and I live literally 200 yards outside of city limits, but we always seem to see the wildlife!