Monday, October 26, 2009

The Sickness

Ok dad I going to have to be in the hospital for probably at least 3 more days :( Blood sugar is still over 300 and kidneys are to acidic to bring sugar down any faster..

Closer to home, my female sugar glider "Squirrel," is really sick and Im afraid Im going to lose her tonight. She is very lethargic, and has been in the same spot since noon today. I finally got home from class shes still in the same spot. I have put a heating pad under the cage, and tried to hydrate her with a syrienge.... all I can do now is wait until morning and find a vet that can help my "exotic critter."

I hate waiting. I wish my good friend Amanda's hubby was familiar, but I guess the vet in Robinson doesn't usually look at these! lol
