Monday, June 8, 2009

Lucky Day

I had a super great lucky day today. I get up have time to do my hair and makeup without interruption.... great start huh?

Then I get to work, had lost my key so I can't open the store, and as Im starting to call my boss... I FOUND IT!!

I call the college to find out how much my books are gonna set me back, and guess what.... my financial aid that was in hold was granted!!! After books and tuition, I have $700.00 left!! Wow!

Will didn't think he was getting paid for the week we are in Florida, but he gets 40 hours paid time. Yeeehaaw!

Ohhh and 6 days until I leave for Florida with Will!

I should go buy a lottery ticket!


Browningblog said...

Don't ya love days like that??