Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tristans Pictures are Up!

Please click on the link below to see Tristan's Easter Pictures!

I don't know how he keeps growing so fast, but Im glad its being documented!


Browningblog said...

The pictures are wonderful!! I'm not sure the chick is real happy in the one! LOL. I love the ones of you and him. I'm going to take my laptop to AWANA tonight so I can show mom.

Ashley said...

Awwww! How is your mom? Im sure she is as well as always! Hey.... Ive been looking for a kitty... your momma always had cats, could you ask her if she has any that need homes, or if she will be expecting kittens? AWANA... those where the days! I don't know what I would have done without you.... I really don't!

Browningblog said...

Mom's good, no kittens right at the moment. We were just looking at your pictures. She thinks Tristan is adorable!

Yes, I claim about 20 of you as my kids nowadays! It so good to see so many of you doing so well!